Tuesday, January 15, 2013

EBOOST Review!

Hey everyone! I wanted to give you guys some of my thoughts of the EBOOST powder drink that I received in my Influenster Holiday VoxBox! I got the flavor pink lemonade and I was so excited to try this because I think we can all use a energy boost, especially in the winter. Besides increasing your energy this product also contains a lot of vitamins and nutrients for your body. Sounds great right? I have to say that as much as I wanted to, I did not love this product.

The taste is the real downside to this product which is a real shame because the concept is really nice. There's no sugar in the product so when I added it to plain water it did not taste good. It was very sour and almost bitter tasting. It tasted a bit like Alka-Seltzer or mineral water, fizziness included. I guess if you like that taste then you'd like this but I don't so I forced myself to chug it down for testing purposes. As for it's effectiveness, its hard to tell after drinking this once but I'll tell you what I experienced. Not long after I got a bad upset stomach which I can't directly say was from the product since I hadn't been feeling good over the past couple days, BUT it did happen a little after drinking this stuff.

As for energy levels, I did go down and do my exercise and I did feel a little more awake but not jittery or hyper. So it seems like it worked however it may have given me that upset stomach, FYI I have sensitive stomach to begin with. Overall I give this product a D, here's why:

  • Taste- To me this is one of the main concerns for any drink and I just hated the taste. I had to force myself to finish so I didn't enjoy drinking this.
  • Effectiveness- Like I said before it's hard to tell or not but I didn't feel that this product produced enough of a result to go out and purchase this or try this again.
  • Side effects?- I have a very good suspicion that I got that bad stomachache from this so that's why I also gave this product a lower grade. It's suppose to make me feel better, not worse!
Well that's all for now, all I have to say that if that flavor was better I would have enjoyed this product more. Check out my video review below, cause it's kind of funny, and influenster.com to learn more.

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